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IBARRA, 1990.

Possessing great skill and great creativity plastic, Franz Del Castillo Villa a ibarreña of only 21 that is transforming the everyday vision of contemporary art with his wit plastic.

He was born March 25, 1990, in a family very inclined to the arts. Since its inception school for art trends begin to distinguish in their...

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IBARRA, 1990.

Possessing great skill and great creativity plastic, Franz Del Castillo Villa a ibarreña of only 21 that is transforming the everyday vision of contemporary art with his wit plastic.

He was born March 25, 1990, in a family very inclined to the arts. Since its inception school for art trends begin to distinguish in their environment. School and several line drawings of great talent but poor start to guide you in the way of plastic and it is there that he decided to study at the Technological Institute of Fine Arts DANIEL REYES "in San Antonio de Ibarra, a prestigious art institution recognized for hosting among students recognized artists like Jorge Perumal, Jesus Cobo, Pablo Caviedes, Jorge Ortega, among others.

Unquestionably in an optimal environment to exploit their artistic qualities Franz begins to shine.

In April 2005 along with other colleagues made a short documentary called "Blood and Olé" with where they won 1st place in "The Festival of Video Documentaries In Imbabura.

His creativity led him to repeatedly be labeled as a rebel and even unruly in school, but also praised, as when a small sculpture receives his award for best single artistic vision. "The Home truncated Survival" work in which a piece of wood covered with painted condoms metaphors of pure pleasure at last chained by lust, and thus give faith in a unique creativity.

Time and then enters the UNAP Popular Artists Union of Ecuador, one of its younger members to attend various conferences of the cultural organization in different cities of Ecuador, with just 16 can overcome even well-known local artists in 1st. Festival artistic Facilities MAO NECROMORFOSIS installation. Begins to come to light but still not taken into account very very young.

Besides being the standard bearer Ensign Institutional Student Government President of his College, receiving other awards at your school. Possessing an innate ability to easily grasp the features of the people and things gently, led him unconsciously to exploit a talent that was closely guarded: caricature. In November 2007 he won a little contest of cartoons, but it was not until March of 2007 two caricatures win his first two places in another cartoon contest organized for the institution and sponsored by the Embassy of the Republic of China, with represent the theme of characters ibarreña. Is awarded personally by the Ambassador of the Republic of China Cai Runguo in Quito, and so spreads the news of a young man who is caricatured put in front. It is called by newspaper "La Hora" regional north to start posting his cartoons every week, apart begins to paint several murals in the city supported the foundation Reina de Ibarra. Foundation also sponsors his first solo exhibition ARTS FRANZ DC, which featured a retrospective of his intellectual evolution plastic and style. Besides acting in a short film directed by filmmaker Vladimir Bulgarian Stoichkov, and was appointed President of the Cantonal Assembly of Youth Ibarra as well as a member of the Cantonal Development Committee Ibarra. "

Start working with various youth groups on projects of artistic development. Participate in the 1st Biennial of Painting "Luis A. Noboa "in Guayaquil. His way of being so young and smooth it takes to make fun of various personalities of the political and national live audience, as the Miss Ecuador 2008 Domenica Saporetti, Linda Jewell, who was for a long period, the Ambassador of the United States of America Ecuador, Ambassador of China Cai Runguo, journalists and Andrés López, Gabriela Baher, Jahal Dubois, Pamela Romero among others. Artists the plastic as Jesus Cobo, Nicholas Herrera, Rodrigo Colorado, etc. People of the country as Sixto Vizuete, Edison Mendez, Maria del Carmen de Aguayo, Imbabura authorities, Carlos Michelena, Jaime Rodriguez, but it was not until the exhibition of cartoons "CRITIK CITY" ANOTHER LOOK AT THE WHITE CITY, a unique exhibition of 52 cartoons which depicted various Ibarra\\\'s contemporaries, who could appreciate its ability to scale. It was inaugurated on September 19, 2008 at the Central Bank of Ecuador with a massive presence of spectators, and it was felt that although his art very early showed signs of a stylized exaggeration in harmonic of unique features in every way.

Since September he began drawing cartoons in the weekly live news channel TVN Prisma Informative.

In late 2008 Franz enters the Cultural Foundation "Pedro Moncayo", becoming the youngest member of entering such a prestigious cultural institution.

Being connected to the media allows more ability to spread, reaching to make cartoons live together hundreds of national and foreign.

Although Franz are strong for the Visual Arts in December 2008 was second in the seniors category National Competition stories literary Dreamers Railroad "organized by the Ministry of Culture with its picture book" THE DEVIL GAVE IN NOSE. "

Juanes, Juan Magan, Mach and Daddy, Rakim & Ken-way, They Might Be Giants, Juan Fernando Velasco, the Braves, Karla Kanor, Dario Castro, Rocko and are Blasty Live portrayed by Franz, who manages to capture them with pencil in a few seconds.

On August 9, 2009 franz caricatures in person to Rafael Correa, Rigoberta Menchu ​​and Evo Morales, after receiving recognition and appreciation from samples of these great characters.

In December of that year finished a mural in the Hall of the City of San Pedro de Huaca, one of the largest murals executed.

Later that month begins to form what would be months later, "IBARRA LUMINATTI" the first exhibition of drawings made with light and 3d in the White City.

While studying Graphic Design at the Pontifical Catholic University See Ibarra, participates in the V Show with an art installation design for advertising called "SEE, YOU SEE? LO VES YOU SEE, A ORTEGA VES!
Getting the second mention in the category common stock.

On June 25, 2010 attend the tenth summit of the morning which gave away the attending leaders cartoons as a sign of spreading the culture in the country.

In November 2010 Franz Del Castillo opened the first art exhibition in 3-d in a social rehabilitation center of Ecuador in Ibarra case is taken into account and opened for 300 persons deprived of liberty his exhibition "Luminatti Ibarra."
Currently preparing the final details of the exhibition "Slaughter" which opened in 2011 in the City Quito.

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